Build my first public product
I once encountered a question: What is the largest library in the world? I believe it is not the Library of Congress or the Library of Alexandria, but rather the entire Internet. In the classical internet scenario, we typically obtain information through tags -> links -> content. This process actually aligns well with how the human brain manages information: keywords/tags, followed by a reference (hyperlink), and eventually reaching the content. Although the emergence of LLM as a lossless compression set may disrupt this process to some extent, transforming it into keywords/tags -> LLM -> content, I still believe that the classical scenario retains its value and significance. A small entry point (start small) is the fact that in my daily work and life, I often open numerous browser tabs. However, in reality, I don't actually read everything, nor can I remember such a large amount of content. The key issue here is that humans struggle to deal with information overload. The digital acceleration brought about by COVID-19 and the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence have further exacerbated this problem. By harnessing the powerful natural language processing capabilities of LLM, we can extract key information, such as keywords/tags, from massive amounts of information, including noise. This extraction can be achieved through a hyperlink, ultimately leading to the desired content. As the entry and exit points for hyperlinks, browsers are naturally suitable for information management. Therefore, I have developed a browser extension called AITabGroup (originally named AITAB, but not allowed by the Chrome Web Store). This extension allows for one-click organization of tabs using LLM and presents them in a tree-like structure for visual representation. Personally, I find visualizing information in a tree-like structure highly effective for understanding and remembering. In terms of usability, I believe that a product can only be considered the best if users can understand how to use it at a glance. Hence, I have strived to keep the plugin as simple as possible.
So far, the plugin has provided the option to input an API key. However, this is not user-friendly for ordinary users as they wouldn't know what an API key is. Initially, I implemented this because I believed users would prioritize privacy (not wanting others to know what websites they are browsing, which is not pleasant in many scenarios). On the other hand, of course, it was also because I didn't have enough money to deploy a server (hence, I added a subscription module, lol).It's important to note that the current subscription module doesn't eliminate the need for users to use an API key. I am considering adding a server so that users won't need any setup to use the plugin eventually. This decision will depend on the number of users and their feedback. The actual complexity of this plugin is not high. However, due to my severe procrastination, I had this idea back in the early days of ChatGPT but only started coding in May 2023. As a result, the preparations for its launch began in the fourth quarter. The URL of the product is| . Currently, I am working on building the second and third products, hoping to avoid procrastinating for an entire year once again. Furthermore, I genuinely hope that my products will be truly useful.

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